Saturday, November 01, 2008

Great Falls: Halloween Edition

Well it took some time but i finally started running the Falls more again. Chris came "home" all the way from Colorado and needed a guide, and i needed someone to motivate me. We got some great runs in on the MD and VA lines... and yes those are cat ears! Happy Halloween!

Chris on Pummel

Hiking up for another lap on Pummel

Scouting U-Hole

Middle line on U-Hole

Maggie on Pummel

Now this is really the scary part, paddling the most unstable boat... ever!!

Sweet boof off first drop of S-Turn


Chris and Maggie

(all photos by Craig Campbell)

Also check out the great posts Chris put up on the Pyranha and CKS blogs:

Pyranha team blog

CKS blog

Here is a great video Craig put together:

Great Falls - MD Lines 22 & 24 October 2008 by Craig Campbell


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