Sunday, June 29, 2008


After years of unrunable log jams the Great Falls Fishladder was finally cleared out this past spring by high water. Finally for the first time i got to do some top to bottom runs through all the slides. What a blast. Check out the video Craig put together.

I also finally got on Center Lines again and fired up Grace for the first time. Unfortunately no photos yet.

Maggie, Ryan, Sean, and Mark running the Fishladder (click for HD)

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hello all, well i know there haven't been any updates on here for a while. I had a pretty mellow spring, mostly just playing on all the great high water we had on the Potomac. The summer has gotten off to a great start. I just got back from a fantastic three week trip to the southwest and Colorado. I did lot's of great hiking and boating and have tons of photos and stories to share. I know many of you have been asking when the trip report will be out. Soon... i hope... it'll take a while to get all these photos sorted!

In the meantime i have some exciting news! I'm very excited to announce that i've been asked to join the Potomac Paddlesports team! It has been wonderful being a part of the community here on the Potomac and i look forward to the future.

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